When patients cancel an appointment via NextPatient, there are two ways to see this in Nextech. The first is to use the Online Appointment Queue found in the Scheduler Module and then to focus on the "Cancel Appointment Requests" section. One thing to remember about using the Online Appointment Queue is that your team has to remember to use the feature; forgetting to monitor this area can lead to No Shows and patient frustrations.

The second method is to designate users in your office who will be responsible for receiving To Do Tasks when a patient does opt to cancel this appointment. Setting this up is quite easy, though often overlooked because it is hidden away in the Administrator Module. To access these settings, 1) go to the Administrator Module, then 2) go to the Links tab, and finally, 3) review the "Patient Portal Events" section on the right. Here are some of the selections you will want to review and update for this purpose:
- Appointment Cancellation Request Received
- Appointment Change Request Received
- Appointment Request Received
For each of these selections, you will want to select the user or users that should receive the corresponding notification as a To Do Task. Another useful selection to ensure you have configured is the "New Patient Message Received" option, particularly if your patients are able to send messages from the MyPatientVisit portal to your office. After updating the Assign To Users, Priority, Method, and Category as needed, be sure to select "Create ToDo Alarm" for each dropdown option.

Despite the note description seen in the setup window, Nextech will create these ToDos with no note. To identify what this ToDo Task is regarding, notice the EnteredBy user states NextPatient (this may vary from system to system); a task entered by NextPatient will generally always be a cancellation request and a reminder to visit the Online Appointment Request utility in the Schedule Module.